Anyone who searching for perfect search engine for downloading different type of files like download free movies , free mp3 downloads and more then General sharing is perfect search engine for you folks.
General sharing is one of the best search engine and file sharing website which users can use for downloading and sharing different type of files over the web.As presently it have more then 150 million file which are totally free from spam content which is deleted regularly so that user can share and download good data over the web.Also more then 2 million file shared daily which show how many users are using this website daily .
General sharing is totally based on the ideas of their own previous search engine projects such as,, which is also one of famous search search engine with cool features.
So popularity of this website make me to right reviews on this website their are man hidden and open feature of this website which i want to discuss with you so that you get complete knowledge about this search engine which are discussed below:
1.Download and share files:General search provide you facility to download and share file over the web with you friends.
2.Spam free content:This website is totally free from spam file because daily more the 50k file are removed from the this search engine.
3.New about latest activity:General search give all latest news about their update which they make in their search engine so that all users get to know about it.
4.Provide rating system:Yea this is unique feature of this website, here you can check the rating of all the most popular,hottest and most downloaded file so that it become easy for you to download best file.
5.Get Updates:You can set a alert for particular keyword ,so that as soon as possible it come to the data base of this search engine it will get to you.for example like ‘Every 12 hours’ or ‘Daily’. You can also set deadline, like sending the alert before.
After after reading all these feature i get totally curious about this website and wonder same is you all feeling now .Since this website is not only for downloading and sharing file like download free movies ,free mp3 downloads and they also have some future plans about this search engine
General search is still trying to implement some new feature to make this website perfect and more interesting by increase the social networking capability and pay special attention to community-related options and features.Team is also going to add idea box in this website so that all users who are using this website can add their suggestion to make this website more powerful search engine.
After reading all this conclusion we made is that this search engine is perfect for search engine and file sharing website which is really going to rock the web soon.
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