You know How to Tag any Video,any Picture and any status in Facebook if yes then you are Facebook pro but if not then no need to worry read this article carefully.
Facebook users always try to tag every thing which they want to share with their friend and its really nice habit but what if users don't know how to tag.Tagging picture,video in Facebook is very easy task but tagging status is done by different procedure and their are many users don't know how to do status tagging as i watch users asking for help in Facebook help.
As status tagging is one of the best feature which Facebook introduce last year and it is very popular among others and using this feature is same as we use Hashtags in twitter.So I'm going to show you how to tag picture in Facebook just in simple and easy way which are discussed below:
All you have to do is just put @ before name of your friend and it will have option of tagging it to your friend’s profile and you are done ,just select friend as much you want to tag.lets we see an example of tagging status.
The only thing you have to do is just @ before each name and you are done,so what are you waiting for just start tagging your friend in you Facebook status and don't forget to share experiences with us
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